New Year, Stronger Me!

My New Year's Resolution

I'm posting my New Year's resolution a bit late because I had to figure out what I wanted to accomplish this 2016 and after a week of debating with myself I have finally jotted down my New Year's resolution.

- Lose weight (I always say this every year but this time, I'll keep my word) 

- Lose weight = GOING TO THE GYM (Another resolution I would want to do and accomplish)

- Save up money for a new laptop (I've had my mini laptop for about 6 years now, it's time to pull the red velvet curtains down)

- Get my driver's license (Praying for this one)

- Save enough money for my travel to Paris (Either late this year or early next year)

- Push through with this blog (I'm doing quite a good job, I hope..) 

All of these resolutions I will try to accomplish some of it seems impossible, e.g losing weight and going to the gym but I believe that I've grown last 2015 and I've finally become a stronger version of myself. I'm grateful that I met all the right people because they've somehow helped me become a better person, if it wasn't for them I would not be as strong as I am right now.

I also believe that since 2016 came my way, I've became more "fashionable" lady, with that being said..

Taken last January 6th 2015 at Sheikh Zayed Road Dubai
(Dress: H&M | Jacket: Forever21 | Shoes: Converse)

(Credits to Sharina Manaog AKA

Hope you guys had a lovely Winter Holiday, Don't forget to smile and stay positive. More blessings this 2016, Cheers!! xx

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