I'm still alive - and my birthday's coming up

Hello? Hi? Cava? Kamusta?

It's been almost 2 months since I last posted something on here, so I want everyone to know that I am still alive and kicking. I've been so busy with my university. I have a lot to share starting from the moment I've encountered different kinds of dogs (Check out my Instagram @AnnePtrc) to being one of the University's representative for the STEM Conference in Dubai. I have a lot to share, soon!!

So, I'm turning twenty on November 20th, I'm saying goodbye to my "teen" years, I feel so old right now. Nonetheless, being a year older means I'm also a year wiser, am I right? am I right? turning 20 is a big dread to me, because I'm no longer a teenager, I am now considered as an "adult", which I'm sure I'm going to dislike (don't wanna use the word "hate", don't wanna sound "immature"). But what's great about my birthday coming up is that Sevelin Beauty Center (Instagram: @Sevelin_Beauty) will be giving me an early birthday present by giving me a hair make-over again. I'm honestly so blessed by being a part of the Sevelin babies.

I've decided what I wanted to do with my hair for my 20th and I will be sharing it soon. 

To end this blog entry, I would like to show all of you what my friend from my university has made for me. She'll be making a lot more soon for my blog.

Roxanne Rivera // Instagram: @Galsbad // Twitter: @Sinnerelli

So much love for my new blog icon as well, it was made by one of my friends too. 
Rei Calderon // Instagram: @Reillerious // Twitter: Fanalis_Kat

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