Annevices # 2

Hot and Cold

I gave this blog entry the title Hot and Cold because I got inspired when I was listening to Katy Perry's 2008 song "Hot and Cold" the song revolved around the story of the couple who was basically a "moody" couple or rather "bipolar" couple. A couple that had problems in deciding, in agreeing with each other.

Moving on to the real reason why this is my title, the reason is not only because of Katy's song. Another reason is the fact that I've been through this situation already, I've been in a love - hate relationship, don't get me wrong "hate" is such a bitter word to be used but I really was in one. I loved him and I hated him at the same time, he basically made me crazy furious but I loved him anyway. This kind of relationship happens in the middle of your long term relationship, when the both of you are already too comfortable with each other but sometimes this happens at the start of your relationship (it depends) but for me it happened at the middle on my relationship. The "moody" adventures of me and him started, which was okay sometimes but as you get older, being in a "moody" relationship or "love-hate" relationship gets tiring, it gets annoying, you still love the person but every time you guys argue, you feel worried anxious because this might hit rock bottom any moment if you guys don't stop. And it will happen, one will get tired, one will let go and one will leave.

Don't let this happen to you! 

Being moody is NOT the problem here, if you guys know how to handle your relationship and if you have established a strong foundation. No amount of arguing, bickering can tear you apart. You can be in a "love-hate" relationship but just do make sure that the love is the overpowering one, don't let their quirkiness nor their flaws annoy you or make you want to let them go. 

If you're the moody one, make sure that you don't push pass your partner's limit, make sure that you think of them too when you're being moody, keep in mind that they're tolerating all your moodiness because they love you more than your moodiness, more than your annoying qualities. Don't take advantage of them!! 

Being in a HOT and COLD relationship is basically a rollercoaster ride with your loved one, make sure you enjoy the ride and you hold on till the end. 

As for me, my rollercoaster ride has finished. I'm no longer in one but I hope that if I ever do get into one again, we'll be able to finish the ride together. 

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