Annevices # 1

Moving forward..

(Instagram @PoemsPorn_)

I find this quote perfect for anyone that has been hurt and left with nothing but their broken heart. This quote speaks to anyone that has been utterly in love with one specific person and has been left with nothing but their empty promises and the thought of "forever".

Yes being in love is one of the best feelings ever but having your heart broken is also the one of the best ways to break you.  Don't get me wrong there is no bad thing in falling in love or breaking apart the only wrong thing is how the person takes all of these in.

Some people when they fall in love they tend to give all of they have to the person they love, take me for example I've fallen in and out of love already. When I was still in love, I gave all that I can to the person I loved the most which was somehow wrong, you may wonder why this is wrong. It is wrong for one good reason, since I've given him all the love I forgot to save some for myself, I forgot to love myself and I forgot how to live my life without him so when we chose to go our separate ways it left me hanging and wondering how I must go on without him. I forgot that the most important thing to do first before you love someone is to love yourself first. 

A lot of people may question and disagree with me, one can say that if you love someone you must give them your all and not leave anything for yourself and they may be right and I may be wrong but because I've personally experienced this trauma, it taught me to yes do love the person and yes please do give them your all but at least save some love for yourself,  so if the person you love has decided to go you won't be left empty handed.

Going back to the quote, as I said earlier it is perfect for people who has been left with nothing. Because I know that moving on / moving forward won't be as easy as it is said but once you put your mind to it and just decide to move forward it won't be as hard as you think it is, Yes you may still love the person, yes you may still miss the person but think about this at least every negative thing that has happened between you two has been cut off now, you will no longer cry because of him, you will no longer feel pain in your tummy when you guys are arguing over petty things and you will no longer hurt when he ignores you and decides that you're better off alone. You will no longer suffer that kind of pain, the only pain you should really feel is the pain in your cheeks when you smile when he/she does something sweet or the pain you feel in your stomach because you're laughing way too much with your friends, that's the only pain you should feel. 

Because darling, why settle for someone that's going to hurt you when there's someone out there who can actually treat you 20 times better, So letting go is indeed beautiful yes it'll kill you along the way but at least it'll be a temporary pain, a pain that you will only feel for a little while (Yes, it may take months or years but no one is rushing you) and then after that it's gone, it's vanished and it's ended. No more crying at 3 am in the morning wondering why he/she hasn't replied to you, no more of those petty reasons, no more of those unwanted tears.

As soon as you've moved forward, I swear you'll be one of the strongest person alive because you have overcame all of heartbreaks and all of the instincts of giving up. You've made it you'll say to yourself and you'll be proud. And the next time you'll fall in love you'll make sure that you're capable and you won't ever get destroyed by it again.

But for now if you're still not able to move forward, that's okay take all the time that you need sweetheart. You'll get through it because this too shall pass.

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