What's up New Year's Resolutions?

Update on my "resolutions"

Last January I made a blogpost regarding my 2016 New Year's resolution, I made a lot of promises not only to myself but to the people reading my blog that I will push through those resolutions. So without further ado here is the update to those resolutions.

Inside thoughts right now: "I'm such a bad promise keeper when it comes to resolutions please do not hate me."

1. Lose weight - I told you guys that losing weight will be difficult for me (for everyone, let's be honest), I said that I would lose weight and somehow I did but it's not a big progress. 

2. Going to the gym - in my defence I was not able to go because my part time kept me busy but now that I'm getting a hang of my part time I think I'll be able to go back AGAIN. (Summer body here I come. Jokes) 

3. Saving up money for a new laptop - I have done NO SAVING last month nor this month. However, I will open a bank account and WILL TRY saving for the laptop.

4. Get my driver's license - Like what I have said, I have no savings so how will I enroll to a driving school? (Silly guurl)

5. Save money to go to Paris - Nooooow, I'm proud of this one because it is possible for me to travel to Paris, not this year though maybe next year. I'll be travelling with my Godparents. I know that I haven't started saving up but this motivates me to actually save up because I will go to Paris SOON. 

6. Push through this blog - WHAT AM I DOING RIGHT NOW? (Says the girl who has been MIA on this blog for almost 2 months) 

 [I haven't jotted these ones on the resolution post I did but I'll include these anyway.] 

7. Moving forward - To anyone that is not aware of my current "lovelife" situation, I have recently just went through a breakup (7 months ago) Okay, so not so recent breakup. So this last resolution of mine is one of the biggest things I want to achieve and actually, I HAVE ACHIEVED *throws coffenti*. The one thing I thought that I couldn't do but did, with the help of my family and friends of course. They're the best support system. 

8. Be MORE dedicated to God - I personally did not put this one on because I wanted it to be just for me but I have decided to include this because I want to share to everyone around me the GREATNESS of our God. I want to inspire people, I want people to love God more. (So please expect posts about God's wisdoms.) 

I want to end this post by saying that I'm thankful to everyone who is a part of my 2016, thankful to the people who has been there for me throughout this 3 wonderful months of a rollercoaster ride and praying that I'll still spend this remaining 9 months with those amazing people. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them. 

To anyone that is reading this, THANK YOU. Thank you for reading my blog. U R AMAZING <3 

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