Something new!

Trendy Lippy!! 

Hello Everyone, I'm back! I was not able to do a lot of my adventures for the last 2 months because I was so busy with my new part time job (you can read all about it in my old posts) and I could not juggle a lot things at the same time, I'm not a very organised person and my part time also ends at 10pm so I cannot really do much when I reach home. 

- PS. I was supposed to do my first ever Desert Safari last February but unfortunately I could not find my files (YET), I'll find it soon so that you guys can read about it.

So, back to the topic. The new trend this 2016, the thing that is always on my timeline on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The LIPSTICK TATTOO!! (Not literally a tattoo). I got really curious and ordered myself one, I ordered it from a shop on Instagram here in the UAE and it's called (Please do follow and check this profile out, you can find good prices and good quality stuffs on here) - The purpose of the lip tattoo is to get your lips to have a natural red-ish, pink-ish look (it depends on what colour you choose)

I ordered the colour Sexy red while my friend ordered the Bubble pink, aside from the really cute packaging we also got freebies from

How to put on the lipstick / How to use the lipstick: 

- Apply the lipstick on your lips

- Leave it on for 10 minutes

- Peel off the lipstick that was applied

After applying the lip tattoo

After results. See how it looks so natural on my lips.

I would like to thank for this lovely item, I highly recommend it to anyone that got interested in buying one. Don't forget to buy the legit Lip Tattoo because once you buy the Class B lipstick it may or may not give you allergies. So please be careful in purchasing this lipstick tattoo. 

Sorry if I took a looooong time in posting a new post. I promise to be more active and dedicate time on my blog. I'm hoping that I'll be doing heaps more of adventures and trying lots of other things in the near future. 

Tata for now, thank you for reading my blog x 

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