
Certified Jonaxx Series Lover

I am a JSL!

My family and friends already know that I am a complete Jonaxx fan. I have read all her stories; I am dedicated to reading her stories, my entire summer revolved around reading all her works on Wattpad. I had a list and a schedule; everyday had an allotted time for the story I would read during that day and an alarm as well. 

I've been reading her stories since 2014. The first Jonaxx story I read was recommended by a friend of mine, she suggested Until He Was Gone to me, it was an ongoing trilogy that time. I remember spending my nights reading it. I stayed up until 3-4am to finish the book immediately, I wanted to catch up with the current update. It was from there when I started loving her stories, I was instantly latched to her characters. 

The first Jonaxx boy I fell for was Elijah Riley Vasquez Montefalco -- oh man, I can't even start how much I adore him. All my friends and family know how much I love him. 

As years passed, I have learnt to love new characters. As years passed, I have learnt a lot of lessons with Jonaxx stories - it has taught me a lot of life and love lessons. I have become the person I am today, all thanks to her stories and wisdom too. Her stories helped me passed one of my darkest days, I held onto her stories to believe again in love, in forgiveness and in goodness. Jonaxx helped me. 

So I decided to make a Book Review of the published she has, to share my thoughts, my feels and all the lessons I've learnt while reading it. I spilled my heart out while making the book review, I had a lot to share to everyone, to my fellow JSL. 

To all my fellow JSL and to my readers, here is my book review for the Jonaxx  published books. I made sure that I included all the essential parts to me, to my heart and to my life. Though I rambled on for a while and the editing was quite bad towards the end of the video, I know for a fact that I made this with all my heart. 

The book review consists of 2 parts, reason to that is because one whole video for all of the books is simply too long that is why I chose to divide it to two equal parts. Instead of posting an hour long book review. 

Part I (books reviewed): 

  • Until Trilogy ( Until He Was Gone, Until He Returned and Until Forever )
  • Baka Sakali Trilogy ( Baka Sakali 1, Baka Sakali 2 and Baka Sakali 3)
  • Mapapansin Kaya {Alegria Boys Series}
              Part II (books reviewed): 

  • Good Lips Series ( Every Beast Needs A Beauty, One Night One Lie and Give Into You)
  • Elizalde Brothers Series ( Heartless and Worthless)
Note: Part II of the book is still not uploaded on YouTube. 

Available here is the Book Review of the Published Jonaxx Books:

Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: @AnnePtrc
Facebook: Anne Patricia
Twitter: @Letmefangurl 

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