TMI Tag (Tagged by Celine Rona)

About this tag:

TMI Tag stands for Too Much Information Tag, it basically answering different kinds of question whether it is too personal or too vague. 

My good friend Celine Rona has tagged me in doing this challenge last Tuesday 8th of August. What she did was while she was answering all the questions, she was doing her pop art make up too. Which I found really creative, what a clever idea right? She wasn't just answering the questions, she was also doing something to keep the viewers entertained. 

Check her video out:
Please do check out her blog as well:

Since Celine did not plainly answer her questions, I decided to do the same, I answered the question with a bit of twist and that's doing the CHUBBY BUNNY challenge. As I was answering the questions, I was also stuffing marshmallows in my mouth. It's not easy as it sound like, I had a hard time in answering the questions, plus I don't like nor eat marshmallows. It was twice the challenge for me.

Nevertheless, I did the challenged (not so successfully) with the help of my cousin Bea Austria, she was the one asking the questions (and giving her unasked for comments and answers) 

Instagram: @Bdcaustria
Twitter: @Bdcaustria & @Taehyungpedia
Facebook: Bea Austria

I had fun filming, answering and editing the video. I hope that the people I'm about to tag will have this much fun too. 

I would like to thank Celine Rona for again tagging me to do this video, thank you for the constant push that you give me when it comes to my blog. If you haven't tagged me to do this, I wouldn't have gone back to blogging. Thank you! 


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