First Adventure in 2016

Global Village!

Starting this blog by stating the fact that this is my first time going to Global Village. For the people who does not know what Global Village is, Global Village is claimed to be the largest seasonal extravaganza in the region (United Arab Emirates) that offers visitors an amazing array of festival, shopping and entertainment in an open-air theme park. Global Village is open from November to April and hosts over 70 countries presented over 36 pavilions with more than 50 fun rides and 26 restaurants offering food from around the world. (DubaiCalendar, 2015)

Before heading to Global Village, I made sure that I wore the right clothes. So I went on Pinterest and searched "Theme Park outfits"and I chose the one that I fancied the most and went with that look. 

(Top: Shanna & Splash | Skirt: Kotton| Shoes: Carolina Boix)

Now you know what Global Village is, I would want to share my experience with everyone. I'll start off by praising Dubai's security because the area was secured with police officers, the police visibility was spot on. They made sure that the place was well protected and everything was in order and for that kudos Dubai security.

First thing I did when we arrived at Global Village is I took a lot of photos of the area and took a lot of selfies, all of my photos that were taken is all thanks to my mum. She was so supportive of taking my photos, she made sure that I got a picture with all of the good spots.

Aside from the wonderful scenery, the food are also so delicious. The first I tried were the roasted corn and castanas, which made me miss my grandparents because they absolutely adore roasted corn and castanas. The next food I got to munch on was a chicken burger from Saltan Ahmet Turkish Burger, it was my first time to try a turkish burger and I can totally recommend this burger. It tasted absolutely fantastic, it can be a bit pricey for a burger but it's really worth every dirham.

My overall experience in Global Village was delightful especially because I got to with my family, we weren't complete though some of my other family members were stuck at work but no worries I know that this won't be the last time I will be in Global Village.

For a more detailed blog entry, check out the video. You'll get to see me face one of my fears and you'll get to see bits and bobs of my quirkiness.

Hope you guys enjoyed this blog entry! Praying for more adventures like this! Showing my love you guys xx

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