Certified Jonaxx Series Lover

I am a JSL!

My family and friends already know that I am a complete Jonaxx fan. I have read all her stories; I am dedicated to reading her stories, my entire summer revolved around reading all her works on Wattpad. I had a list and a schedule; everyday had an allotted time for the story I would read during that day and an alarm as well. 

I've been reading her stories since 2014. The first Jonaxx story I read was recommended by a friend of mine, she suggested Until He Was Gone to me, it was an ongoing trilogy that time. I remember spending my nights reading it. I stayed up until 3-4am to finish the book immediately, I wanted to catch up with the current update. It was from there when I started loving her stories, I was instantly latched to her characters. 

The first Jonaxx boy I fell for was Elijah Riley Vasquez Montefalco -- oh man, I can't even start how much I adore him. All my friends and family know how much I love him. 

As years passed, I have learnt to love new characters. As years passed, I have learnt a lot of lessons with Jonaxx stories - it has taught me a lot of life and love lessons. I have become the person I am today, all thanks to her stories and wisdom too. Her stories helped me passed one of my darkest days, I held onto her stories to believe again in love, in forgiveness and in goodness. Jonaxx helped me. 

So I decided to make a Book Review of the published she has, to share my thoughts, my feels and all the lessons I've learnt while reading it. I spilled my heart out while making the book review, I had a lot to share to everyone, to my fellow JSL. 

To all my fellow JSL and to my readers, here is my book review for the Jonaxx  published books. I made sure that I included all the essential parts to me, to my heart and to my life. Though I rambled on for a while and the editing was quite bad towards the end of the video, I know for a fact that I made this with all my heart. 

The book review consists of 2 parts, reason to that is because one whole video for all of the books is simply too long that is why I chose to divide it to two equal parts. Instead of posting an hour long book review. 

Part I (books reviewed): 

  • Until Trilogy ( Until He Was Gone, Until He Returned and Until Forever )
  • Baka Sakali Trilogy ( Baka Sakali 1, Baka Sakali 2 and Baka Sakali 3)
  • Mapapansin Kaya {Alegria Boys Series}
              Part II (books reviewed): 

  • Good Lips Series ( Every Beast Needs A Beauty, One Night One Lie and Give Into You)
  • Elizalde Brothers Series ( Heartless and Worthless)
Note: Part II of the book is still not uploaded on YouTube. 

Available here is the Book Review of the Published Jonaxx Books:

Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: @AnnePtrc
Facebook: Anne Patricia
Twitter: @Letmefangurl 


TMI Tag (Tagged by Celine Rona)

About this tag:

TMI Tag stands for Too Much Information Tag, it basically answering different kinds of question whether it is too personal or too vague. 

My good friend Celine Rona has tagged me in doing this challenge last Tuesday 8th of August. What she did was while she was answering all the questions, she was doing her pop art make up too. Which I found really creative, what a clever idea right? She wasn't just answering the questions, she was also doing something to keep the viewers entertained. 

Check her video out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MafRH_CgXiU
Please do check out her blog as well: RonaCelina.blogspot.com

Since Celine did not plainly answer her questions, I decided to do the same, I answered the question with a bit of twist and that's doing the CHUBBY BUNNY challenge. As I was answering the questions, I was also stuffing marshmallows in my mouth. It's not easy as it sound like, I had a hard time in answering the questions, plus I don't like nor eat marshmallows. It was twice the challenge for me.

Nevertheless, I did the challenged (not so successfully) with the help of my cousin Bea Austria, she was the one asking the questions (and giving her unasked for comments and answers) 

Instagram: @Bdcaustria
Twitter: @Bdcaustria & @Taehyungpedia
Facebook: Bea Austria

I had fun filming, answering and editing the video. I hope that the people I'm about to tag will have this much fun too. 

I would like to thank Celine Rona for again tagging me to do this video, thank you for the constant push that you give me when it comes to my blog. If you haven't tagged me to do this, I wouldn't have gone back to blogging. Thank you! 



I'm still alive - and my birthday's coming up

Hello? Hi? Cava? Kamusta?

It's been almost 2 months since I last posted something on here, so I want everyone to know that I am still alive and kicking. I've been so busy with my university. I have a lot to share starting from the moment I've encountered different kinds of dogs (Check out my Instagram @AnnePtrc) to being one of the University's representative for the STEM Conference in Dubai. I have a lot to share, soon!!

So, I'm turning twenty on November 20th, I'm saying goodbye to my "teen" years, I feel so old right now. Nonetheless, being a year older means I'm also a year wiser, am I right? am I right? turning 20 is a big dread to me, because I'm no longer a teenager, I am now considered as an "adult", which I'm sure I'm going to dislike (don't wanna use the word "hate", don't wanna sound "immature"). But what's great about my birthday coming up is that Sevelin Beauty Center (Instagram: @Sevelin_Beauty) will be giving me an early birthday present by giving me a hair make-over again. I'm honestly so blessed by being a part of the Sevelin babies.

I've decided what I wanted to do with my hair for my 20th and I will be sharing it soon. 

To end this blog entry, I would like to show all of you what my friend from my university has made for me. She'll be making a lot more soon for my blog.

Roxanne Rivera // Instagram: @Galsbad // Twitter: @Sinnerelli

So much love for my new blog icon as well, it was made by one of my friends too. 
Rei Calderon // Instagram: @Reillerious // Twitter: Fanalis_Kat


Argan Deluxe Review

Argan Deluxe Professional 

Argan is well known for being high in Vitamin E.  Products such as Argan Oil is the ideal product to give our skin and hair a very natural boost.  It is also proven scientifically that Argan has many benefits to contribute. (Draxe.com , 2015)

Last month Zahrat Al Jamal Cosmetics gave me the opportunity to work with them, they have sponsored me with some of their products. The first products that they have given me was the Argan Deluxe Professional. This package consists of Argan Oil Hair & Body Serum, Argan Oil Nutrition Infusing Mask and Argan Oil Nourishing Shampoo & Conditioner. 

Argan Oil Hair & Body Serum (100ml)

This Hair and Body Serum can help your hair and body have a natural glow, it also prevents wrinkles. Every time I would use this serum my hair and my model's hair would be extra silky and smooth. With the help of this, our skin was also more moisturised compared to other hair and body serums.

Argan Oil Nutrition Infusing Mask (250ml)

This Argan mask helped our hair become smooth, as compared to other hair masks. The after results shows that there will be no tangles whatsoever once the hair is dried

Suggestion: Great product to use if your hair is bleached or dry. 

Argan Oil Nourishing Shampoo (500ml , 300ml)

As compared to the other shampoos I got used to, this Argan Shampoo simply helped me and my model's hair to become stronger and healthier. Thanks to the mixture of Vitamin E, Omega 3 and Omega 9. 

Argan Oil Nourishing Conditioner (500ml, 300ml)

This conditioner simply helped the shampoo to become more effective, this gave our hair more softness. Our hair's fiber was well protected against dryness and environmental damage. 

To make this review more accurate, all these products were tested for exactly a month and 3 days by my Model. 


Before Argan Deluxe Products


After using Argan Deluxe

The Overview of the Argan Deluxe Professional is extremely satisfying especially for a teenager like me, I tend to explore new things, I tend to try new hair colours, new hairstyles which causes my hair to be damaged but with the help of these Argan Products, my hair is slowly improving and becoming healthier than it was before. I can now continue exploring hair colours and styles without having any doubt that my hair will be forever damaged. 

As for my model, she gave these products a rate of 9/10. Her hair became smoother and softer. It also gave her skin a glow by using the Argan Serum everyday. She stated that this is the farmost best hair/body products she has used. 

More details on Zahrat Al Jamal Cosmetics: 

Instagram: @zahrat_al_jamal_cosmetics


Mobile: +971509535330

More details:

Instagram: @AnnePtrc

Email: xanneptrcx@gmail.com

Facebook: Annedependent


Summer 2016 Hair Goals!

Let's go Pink!!

The last time I dyed my hair was nearly 2 months ago, I got grey highlights. Back then, I still went to a different salon but since I went with my friend to her current salon for a few times, I saw that it was a much better experience going to that salon. I saw that their goal was really to make a huge hair transformation and to achieve anyone's hair goals. 

So I was convinced that the next time I was going to get my hair dyed, I will go to that salon. After a few months of seeing their hair transformation on Facebook and Instagram, I finally decided to get my hair done at this salon, and that salon is Sevelin Beauty Center. 

I contacted the person in charge on facebook (Sevelin Ozkan) or you can also message them on Sevelin Beauty Centre facebook page. And asked how much it was to get my hair done and the response I got was amazing, they said that it was going to be sponsored.

So the excited teen that I am, after I got the news, I decided that I will put up my experience on my blog, because let's face it. They deserve so much credit for achieving anyone's hair goal. 

Last 23rd of May, they messaged and said that I can go to their salon already and get my hair transformation done. I decided the hair colour I wanted at the last minute as well. 

In less than an hour of preparing, I finally reached Sevelin Beauty Center.

Sevelin Beauty Center is located at Clock Plaza Building near Clock Tower roundabout next to Metropolitan Deira Hotel near Avari Hotel, flat 107. (https;//goo.gl/maps/p9mNDWmSSon) - click the link for the map. 

When I arrived, I was welcomed by the staff that I was already familiar with since I visited that salon more than 2 times already, they were already prepared to give me the hair transformation that I've wanted. I showed them the hair colour that I wanted and as fast as the roadrunner the materials to get my hair dyed was prepared. I was assisted by two wonderful stylist, Ms. Asma and Ms. Analee, they were both very friendly to me and they kept me company while they were doing my hair. 

I did not notice the time going by, I was so busy entertained by their stories. After 1 hour of soaking my hair in the hair colour I wanted, it was time to rinse and see the results.

As soon as my hair was fully dry, I saw how amazing it was. HAIR GOALS ACHIEVED!! 

I'm so thankful that I chose Sevelin to get my hair done, if it wasn't for them the summer hair colour I wanted will only remain as a dream, a wish. 

My overall experience in Sevelin was great, they truly know how to handle your hair and they will do their very best to achieve the hair goals you're dreaming off. 

Make sure to follow and friend them on your social accounts;

Instagram: Sevelin_Beauty
Facebook: Sevelin Beauty Center / Sevelin Ozkan
Contact Details: 042958891 / 0501582770

To top it all of, I made a vlog about my experience at Sevelin Beauty Center!




Change of heart

Aspiring Writer! 

I'm a very lazy teenager, I admit that and that's the one of the biggest reasons why I rarely post but another reason why I haven't posted for a long time is the fact that I was bantering with myself, I was thinking do I really want to be Lifestyle Blogger or Fashion Blogger (funny) but I've realised that, that is not me. I am not that person, I do not have a proper lifestyle as compared to other teenagers, I don't have any fashion sense (in my opinion). Now it is quite clear to me what I really want to do with this blog of mine, as said in my previous posts that I will push through this blog and I will. I'm doing this for myself, I'm doing this so that I can say that I've done something productive in my free time. 

But as the title clearly states "Change of heart" I've decided to make this blog as my own personal compilation of poems, rants and other stuffs I go through. I am an aspiring writer, I write a lot of poems, I write and I write all my feelings down because I personally have been through a lot. I've sent a lot of written letters to groups and hoping that it will get published. Some of the things I've written were already published via Twitter, you can check @BetsinsOfficial and you'll be able to see 3-4 pieces that I've made with the initials of A.P.C.A at the end of every piece. 

I'm not saying that I won't share anything about my life anymore and just make this blog all about the things I've written but what I'm saying is the majority of this blog will contain my emotions and not just my lifestyle experiences. 

I believe that I'm a good writer, not excellent but just good (I'm still a rookie, tbh). The pieces that I write are the things I feel, the things I want to say or the emotions I feel on a certain day. 

that's it for now.......*ends blogpost here* 


Out of my comfort zone!

Extreme colour!

As promised, here is the blog post I have regarding my newest and extremest hair colour. I've been dying my hair since God knows when, but from what I can remember my mum started opening my eyes to hair dye when I was about 8 years old, I was familiarised with this because she gets her hair dyed every once in awhile. My hair colours started with subtle brown, to light brown, to blonde highlights, to blonde ombré, to light blonde. It was always between those colours because those were my comfort zone, I was comfortable with those colours, I felt secured with the colour. So this 2016, since my best friend told me "Life's too short boring hair colour" it made me more convince to push through the idea of having a different blend in my hair colour. 

Last 23rd of March, I went to Cabalen Beauty Salon and Spa to finally get out of my comfort zone. Cabalen is where I always ALWAYS get my hair done, I never go to different salons because I fully entrust them with my hair and they always get the hair colour and the hairstyle that I want.  Plus. it's not that pricey to go and get your treatment here. 

Cabalen Beauty Salon and Spa is located at Al Muraqqabat road building right after Travel Market and at the same building as Domino's Pizza and Thai Airways, Floor M. 

{If ever you wish to visit the salon and want a new hairstyle please do inform me so that I can personally contact the person that always dyes my hair, so that you can also get the hair colour and hairstyle you have wished for.} 

Me: *inside thought* .. there was supposed to be a video but I was lazy and was not able to complete the video. I'm sorry.


(Excuse the photography, I was alone therefore no one  was there to assist me)

From Light brown and blonde to Grey highlights with light brown as my hair colour base

I was unease about my hair colour decisions while I was on my way to the salon but every time I would think of backing out the phrase "Life's too short for boring hair colour" replays in my mind and makes me feel like a wimp if ever I do not push through this change. So after, 4 1/2 hours of hair treatment, I finally had the chance to see what I looked like. 

Like every girl that has snapchat, I also adore this filter.
{After results} 

Knowing that my friends specially Celine Cruz, Mark Miranda, Rakkel Martinez and more were excited for my big reveal made me feel relaxed and positive about the change I was about to go through and right after seeing the results they immediately complimented me which made me feel good about the commitment I just made. 

I don't know how long I will be keeping this hair colour because I usually change my hair colour often, let's just hope that I do not get bored and change it after 2-3 months. 

I really don't know how to end this blog post.. - If you are interested in visiting Cabalen please do inform me.

You can reach me via

Facebook: Anne Patricia (Annedependent)
Instagram: @AnnePtrc
Snapchat: @AnnePca
Twitter: @AnnePtrc

I'm only one message away lovies. Thank you for reading yet another long ass blog entry of mine! xx


VLOG: A day at work.

Tryna earn some moolah! 

Last December of 2015, I went to Nestlé for my interview to be their temporary promoter (Check out last December post for more details on how I got the job). I obviously got the job, last February 8th  of 2016, I started my adventure in working with Nestlé as their promoter at Mall of Emirates. 

The job is not THAT hard although there are days where I feel like my legs will just collapse and I will just fall flat on the ground and that's because I'm not used to standing up for a long period of time.

ENOUGH of my blabbering, you can watch my daily routine going to work. - I'm just another teenager tryna earn some cash to help my parents and of course use my own money to buy my nonsense crap and OF COURSE, save up for PARIS. BECAUSE PARIS IS ALWAYS A GOOD IDEA.


All the love, Anne Patricia the laziest blogger eveeeeer.


What's up New Year's Resolutions?

Update on my "resolutions"

Last January I made a blogpost regarding my 2016 New Year's resolution, I made a lot of promises not only to myself but to the people reading my blog that I will push through those resolutions. So without further ado here is the update to those resolutions.

Inside thoughts right now: "I'm such a bad promise keeper when it comes to resolutions please do not hate me."

1. Lose weight - I told you guys that losing weight will be difficult for me (for everyone, let's be honest), I said that I would lose weight and somehow I did but it's not a big progress. 

2. Going to the gym - in my defence I was not able to go because my part time kept me busy but now that I'm getting a hang of my part time I think I'll be able to go back AGAIN. (Summer body here I come. Jokes) 

3. Saving up money for a new laptop - I have done NO SAVING last month nor this month. However, I will open a bank account and WILL TRY saving for the laptop.

4. Get my driver's license - Like what I have said, I have no savings so how will I enroll to a driving school? (Silly guurl)

5. Save money to go to Paris - Nooooow, I'm proud of this one because it is possible for me to travel to Paris, not this year though maybe next year. I'll be travelling with my Godparents. I know that I haven't started saving up but this motivates me to actually save up because I will go to Paris SOON. 

6. Push through this blog - WHAT AM I DOING RIGHT NOW? (Says the girl who has been MIA on this blog for almost 2 months) 

 [I haven't jotted these ones on the resolution post I did but I'll include these anyway.] 

7. Moving forward - To anyone that is not aware of my current "lovelife" situation, I have recently just went through a breakup (7 months ago) Okay, so not so recent breakup. So this last resolution of mine is one of the biggest things I want to achieve and actually, I HAVE ACHIEVED *throws coffenti*. The one thing I thought that I couldn't do but did, with the help of my family and friends of course. They're the best support system. 

8. Be MORE dedicated to God - I personally did not put this one on because I wanted it to be just for me but I have decided to include this because I want to share to everyone around me the GREATNESS of our God. I want to inspire people, I want people to love God more. (So please expect posts about God's wisdoms.) 

I want to end this post by saying that I'm thankful to everyone who is a part of my 2016, thankful to the people who has been there for me throughout this 3 wonderful months of a rollercoaster ride and praying that I'll still spend this remaining 9 months with those amazing people. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them. 

To anyone that is reading this, THANK YOU. Thank you for reading my blog. U R AMAZING <3 


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