Summer 2016 Hair Goals!

Let's go Pink!!

The last time I dyed my hair was nearly 2 months ago, I got grey highlights. Back then, I still went to a different salon but since I went with my friend to her current salon for a few times, I saw that it was a much better experience going to that salon. I saw that their goal was really to make a huge hair transformation and to achieve anyone's hair goals. 

So I was convinced that the next time I was going to get my hair dyed, I will go to that salon. After a few months of seeing their hair transformation on Facebook and Instagram, I finally decided to get my hair done at this salon, and that salon is Sevelin Beauty Center. 

I contacted the person in charge on facebook (Sevelin Ozkan) or you can also message them on Sevelin Beauty Centre facebook page. And asked how much it was to get my hair done and the response I got was amazing, they said that it was going to be sponsored.

So the excited teen that I am, after I got the news, I decided that I will put up my experience on my blog, because let's face it. They deserve so much credit for achieving anyone's hair goal. 

Last 23rd of May, they messaged and said that I can go to their salon already and get my hair transformation done. I decided the hair colour I wanted at the last minute as well. 

In less than an hour of preparing, I finally reached Sevelin Beauty Center.

Sevelin Beauty Center is located at Clock Plaza Building near Clock Tower roundabout next to Metropolitan Deira Hotel near Avari Hotel, flat 107. (https;// - click the link for the map. 

When I arrived, I was welcomed by the staff that I was already familiar with since I visited that salon more than 2 times already, they were already prepared to give me the hair transformation that I've wanted. I showed them the hair colour that I wanted and as fast as the roadrunner the materials to get my hair dyed was prepared. I was assisted by two wonderful stylist, Ms. Asma and Ms. Analee, they were both very friendly to me and they kept me company while they were doing my hair. 

I did not notice the time going by, I was so busy entertained by their stories. After 1 hour of soaking my hair in the hair colour I wanted, it was time to rinse and see the results.

As soon as my hair was fully dry, I saw how amazing it was. HAIR GOALS ACHIEVED!! 

I'm so thankful that I chose Sevelin to get my hair done, if it wasn't for them the summer hair colour I wanted will only remain as a dream, a wish. 

My overall experience in Sevelin was great, they truly know how to handle your hair and they will do their very best to achieve the hair goals you're dreaming off. 

Make sure to follow and friend them on your social accounts;

Instagram: Sevelin_Beauty
Facebook: Sevelin Beauty Center / Sevelin Ozkan
Contact Details: 042958891 / 0501582770

To top it all of, I made a vlog about my experience at Sevelin Beauty Center!



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